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Fundamentals of Gas Utilization, Third Edition

A textbook focusing on the principles and application of natural gas handling and usage, Fundamentals of Gas Utilization, Third Edition is designed to cover the essentials of trade theory and practice in gas fitting at the residential and light commercial level.

While this book was designed for college students in gas trade programs, it can also be used as a resource manual in preparing for certification.

SKU: 0-919852-35-1 Category:



A book in the Centennial College Press Gas Fitter Series

Fundamentals of Gas Utilization is a basic textbook on the principles and application of natural gas handling and usage. Like the first and second editions, the third edition of this classic text is designed to cover the essentials of theory and practice in gas fitting at the residential and light commercial level. It can be used as a college textbook or a resource manual for self-study in the field. For both applications the text will provide the essential material in preparation for provincial certification as a residential and light commercial gas fitter.

Bibliographic Details:

Publisher: Centennial College Press (July 1 1994)
Language: English
Paperback: 402 pages
ISBN-10: 0919852351
ISBN-13: 978-0919852358
Item weight: 925 g
Dimensions: 21.59 x 2.08 x 27.94 cm


This book was originally published more than 25 years ago. While every effort has been taken to ensure copies printed today are comparable in quality to those printed when the book was first published, in some cases illustrations and diagrams in the original book are relatively small in size (though legible) and in other instances had to be scanned from archival copies. The information included in this book remains uniquely important and valuable, but we do want readers to know that in some places the layout of this book is not of the same level of sophistication expected of a new publication today.

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